Api Documentation

Filemail APIs currently accepts data being submitted through HTTP POST, HTTP GET or as HTTP HEADERS.
All API requests should be against the domain www.filemail.com using HTTPS

Default return format is JSON. XML can also be returned by specifying format=XML in the request.

JSONP is also supported ?format=json&callback=*callback_method*

Error codes

HTTP Response Status Code is 200 on all valid response in JSON and XML formats. In JSON and XML responses, the status value indicates whether a request is well formed and valid. If everything is dandy then responsestatus='ok'. Otherwise - status='error' and more information can be found in the fields
  • errorcode - Number - referring to the error that occured. E.g. 1003
  • errorname - Text - name of error that occured. E.g. InputParameterMissing
  • errormessage - Text - details describing error. E.g. 'Required parameter missing: "logintoken"'

Generic errors

  • 1001 - UnknownError
  • 1002 - InvalidParameter
  • 1003 - InputParameterMissing
  • 1004 - InvalidEmail
  • 1005 - NotFound
  • 1006 - CantRemoveLastCorpAdmin
  • 1007 - CantRemoveYourself
  • 1008 - CantRemoveAdminRoleForYourself
  • 1009 - ServiceInterruption

Authentication errors

  • 2001 - WrongUsernamePassword
  • 2002 - PasswordTooWeak
  • 2003 - InvalidOrExpiredLoginToken
  • 2004 - AccountExpired
  • 2005 - CaptchaRequiredForNextLogin
  • 2006 - LDAPUnableToCreateUser
  • 2007 - LDAPWrongUsernamePassword
  • 2008 - AccessDenied
  • 2009 - CorpAuthenticationRequired
  • 2010 - InvalidRequest
  • 2011 - UseSsoLink
  • 2012 - SsoSessionExpired
  • 2013 - SsoCompanyDoesNotUseAdLogin
  • 2014 - SsoGroupIdNotSupported
  • 2015 - SsoSignatureInvalid
  • 2016 - TwoFactorTokenNotFound
  • 2017 - TwoFactorUserNotFound
  • 2018 - TwoFactorPinNotValid
  • 2019 - PasswordResetRequired
  • 2020 - SsoUserDisabled
  • 2021 - SsoLoginGeneralError
  • 2022 - SsoMissingAuthCode
  • 2040 - RefreshTokenExpired
  • 2041 - RefreshTokenAlreadyUsed

Transfer Initializing errors

  • 3001 - BusinessAccountExistsRegistrationRequired
  • 3002 - UserAccountExistsLoginRequired
  • 3003 - Blocked
  • 3004 - AllFileserversBusy
  • 3005 - FreeLimitReached
  • 3006 - AccountExpiredAndOutOfTransferCredits
  • 3007 - EmailNotVerified
  • 3008 - FeatureAvailableForRegisteredUsers
  • 3009 - FileSizeBlockSender
  • 3010 - FileSizeBlockRecipient
  • 3011 - TooManyRecipients
  • 3100 - InvalidTransferState

Transfer/File Get errors

  • 4001 - TransferExpired
  • 4002 - PasswordRequired
  • 4003 - UploadNotComplete
  • 4004 - FileIsDeleted
  • 4005 - UploadRecentlyUpdated
  • 4006 - FileIsInfected

Subscription/Registration errors

  • 5001 - SubscriptionNotFound
  • 5002 - EmailAlreadyRegistered
  • 5003 - SignupFormNotAccepted
  • 5004 - SessionPasswordNotFound
  • 5005 - SessionCustRefNotFound
  • 5006 - AllUserLicencesesInUse
  • 5007 - RegistrationRequired
  • 5008 - PaymentMethodNotAccepted
  • 5009 - SubscriptionCancellationFailed
  • 5010 - InvalidSubscriptionState
  • 5011 - PaymentFailed
  • 5012 - ReceiptVerificationError
  • 5013 - ReceiptAlreadyUsedForActivation
  • 5014 - SubscriptionNotPaid
  • 5015 - SubscriptionAlreadyActivated
  • 5016 - SubscriptionPurchaseAckFailed
  • 5017 - InvoiceFailure

Other errors

  • 6001 - ContactsLimitReached
  • 6002 - StorageCapReached
  • 6003 - ContactsFileParseError
  • 6004 - RecoveryNotPossible
  • 6005 - ImageFileError
  • 6006 - ContactDuplicate
  • 6007 - ChunkDownloadError
  • 6008 - FileOperationError